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Summer Tryouts & Tuneups





Tryout schedule coming soon!

Check back for updates and registration details.




Location: Harvest Intermediate School

Dates: July 19th & 20th

**If you have a conflict with the tryout weekend, please register and attend the tuneup nights and/or the makeup dates. This will allow coaches to make offers for those players. Please email us with your specific situation. 

2024-2025 USAV Age Classifications

2024-25 age definitions

What You Need To Know About Summer Tryouts

What grade do I register my child for?

Parents should register their child for the grade that they will be enrolled in at school for the fall of 2024.

Do players get t-shirts?

Players do receive a North Star summer tryout shirt when they attend tryouts. 

Can anyone attend North Star summer tryouts?

Yes...any players from any school or club can attend NSVBC summer tryouts. 

Why summer tryouts?

Alleviate stress! The physical and mental stress of Fall tryouts is real. Our goal is to give athletes an opportunity to focus on their school seasons instead of worrying about club tryouts during or after the school season ends.

What are the differences between summer and fall tryouts?

Basically nothing!! The only difference is that tryouts are in Late July instead of late October/early November. Seasons will still begin in early November.

Do summer tryouts have the players' best interests in mind?

100% YES!! If you are an athlete, think about how tired you are at the end of your season. Most school seasons start practicing heavily in August and the season could go all the way into November. That is 4 straight months of volleyball 5 or 6 days a week! Summer tryouts give athletes an opportunity to perform their best due to being the most recovered they will be all year. Late July is when most athletes are physically and mentally at their peak after being off for most of May and June.

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