Advice for Parents
Parent Resources
Below are many great resources for parents of young athletes.​​
​Advice to Parents in the Bleachers ->
Steve Kerr, Head Coach of the Golden State Warriors, offers advice to parents in the bleachers.​
Daniel Coyle shares the best parenting tip ever.
What Athletes Want From Their Parents ->
In the video link above, many young athletes explain what they want from their parents, and in many cases, they don't want to be coached or pressured to perform.
A Parent's Role on the Sidelines ->
Kevin Eastman - VP of Basketball Operations explains that coaching from the stands is confusing for athletes and that his role on the sidelines is to be a dad and not a coach.​
Positive Coaching Alliance Parent Page ->
Karch Karaly talks about overly involved parents.
​Respect the Authority of Your Child's Coach ->
Doc Rivers, NBA basketball coach, shares how he respects the authority of his child's youth basketball coach and doesn't get involved unless asked to do so.
Let "This Volleyball Thing Be Theirs" ->
Karch Karaly, US National Team, and Olympic Volleyball coach, explains the importance of letting "this volleyball thing be theirs" and applauding young athletes when they do things well and put forth a great effort.
Positive Experience With Parents ->
Summer Sanders, a former Olympic gold medal swimmer, describes the positive experience she had with her parents.
Janis Meredith, a youth sports parent, sends a warning to parents to be careful what they say in the bleachers.